Travel to Formentera or how to reach Formentera
People frequently ask how to get to Formentera. Below are some tips how to do it.
First there is no airport in Formentera so you must take a flight to Ibiza. There are many companies with scheduled flights between European airports and Ibiza airport. Once you get to Ibiza you have to take taxi or bus service (the bus number that connects airport and port is 10) to the port. The name of the place in Spanish is Estacion Maritima Ibiza – Formentera.
Next step is to buy tickets for the ferry boats which are operating between Ibiza and Formentera.
There are five companies that are making this route:
The time table of the ferries is normally every 30min between 07.00 till 22.00 and in high season also at 23.00, 00.00 and 02.00.
The distance is about 30 min.
Have a nice trip.